The solution to save the Amazon Rainforest is Reforestation

The Amazon Forest has been and continues to be sacrificed for the sake of profit. This severe lack in respect towards our planet's largest biome is not only having negative impacts on South America, but all other continents as well suffer from its consequences too!

The future of our planet is at stake, and we need to take action now! There are several alternatives available for making its conservation possible. In addition new economic habits must be created with sustainability always being a top priority- so that the forest can thrive into generations ahead without further damage or loss.

It is necessary to give back everything that the Amazon Forest has already donated to the world and to treat each species, each green and each grain of land in the largest tropical forest on the planet with respect. When we are able to honor and give thanks for the raw material that the Amazon provides us, we will be able to save it.

The replanting of the Amazon Forest is a key factor in keeping one of the largest biomes on the planet alive. The #PawsForTheForest campaign is a community effort to join forces to save the forest.

Through this campaign, we will be able to replant trees in the Amazon rainforest, giving nature back to the forest, as a way of saying thank you for everything that the Amazon has already donated to us.