In 10 years, the Greenland ice cap has lost about 3.5 trillion tons of ice
When one of the largest biomes on the planet does not have its biodiversity preserved, it is not surprising that the consequences are very serious. While the Amazon Forest continues to be devastated, the other continents suffer from the impacts of this lack of conservation.
This lack of care for nature transcends biodiversity issues, being a problem that directly affects everyone's lives, such as the increase in global warming and drastic climate change.
The European heat wave that hit the continent claimed more than a thousand victims in Portugal and Spain. The UK also experienced high temperatures, reaching an all-time record breaking 38°C causing them to declare a national emergency. The situation is currently critical!
The Earth has experienced an increase in temperature and climate change because of the recurrent removal of vegetation. When this balance is disrupted, alarming consequences such as melting polar ice caps or rising sea levels become real.
The melting of the Greenland ice cap is an example of how global warming affects our planet. The loss over 10 years was around 3 trillion tons, and this has caused sea levels to rise by one centimeter-an academics claim could lead towards flooding across much if not all land masses!
Protecting the world's largest rainforest has never been more urgent! There are several alternatives available to make its conservation possible.
The replanting of the Amazon Forest is a key factor in keeping one of the largest biomes on the planet alive. The #PawsForTheForest campaign is a community effort to join forces to save the forest.